The Doc Market

Break into tech, make an impact, and escape the clinical grind.
Get advice from those who've made it.

How to: 🚀 Start or join a startup. 📈 Invest in early stage companies. 🧠 Leverage your expertise to consult and advise. 💻 Create a medical expert business online.

📬 5 minute emails every Sunday

© 2025 The Doc Market

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I'm excited to get to know you. This passion project allows me to support medical colleagues while managing my startup commitments.Each Sunday, I'll share actionable advice, frameworks, opportunities, and success stories from myself or other physicians who've made the leap.Submit your questions anytime, I'll address them in future emails. My goal is to provide the guidance I wished I had when starting out.Check your inbox shortly for helpful resources, a quick survey to understand your goals, and a free PDF guide on how to secure funding for your idea. Please reply to introduce yourself and describe what opportunities I can help you find.P.S. If you don't see the email soon, please check your spam folder. Sometimes filters mistake my enthusiasm for bot behavior! 🤷🏻Looking forward to supporting your success,
Mohammed R. Kaleel